Best in the world at Fascia Treatment of Horses?
When we started working with Fascia in 2012, our knowledge were pretty much limited to Myofascial lines – but at least the results were promising!.
Since then we have read hundreds of research papers, been to twp Fascia Research Congresses, interviewed researchers and developed treatment methods alongside hundreds of professional therapists.
But it wasn’t until the fall of 2018, when we were at the fifth international Fascia Research Congress, that we realized just how far we have come.
Lecture after lecture we where presented with research, case reports and treatment results and in the breaks we where talking with dussins of therapist. No one was even close to the treatment results that the Fascia Vibes therapists were getting every week.
It is the combination of working with a machine, helping you reach deeper, manage more, work faster – along with sharing the experiences with hundreds of therapists as well as continuously getting new insights from the latest research.