I tried Swedish Fascia Vibes for just a few days and got some interesting results

Fascia Horse with the U.S. Show Jumping Team

Janus Marquis, Physiotherapist for the U.S. Show Jumping Team, got to hear from Rolf Göran Bengtsson as well as from other elite riders that they had experienced some fantastic results with Swedish Fascia Vibes. After trying the treatment on her own horses during Falsterbo Horse Show 2017, Janus became the first American to own a Swedish Fascia Vibes Machine.

Summary of the interview with Janus Marquis

I’m a physiotherapist and travel with the U.S. Show Jumping Team, with 20 years of experience treating horses. I heard about the machine from Rolf (Göran Bengtsson) and some other elite riders who all have had good result with it. This was clearly something different, and since I was interested in treating fascia and the machine did just that, I simply had to give it a go.

I tried Swedish Fascia Vibes for just a few days and got some interesting results. I am very excited to see what I can get out of the machine and there are a number of horses I already intend to introduce the machine to, and see where it will take them.

I am very impressed with the underlying mission and the message I received from everyone at Atlasbalans.

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