Maria helps people and animals to a healthier life

Lövö 2019

When Maria Gustavsson got burned out, the road back led her to work with well-being. Today she works to help people  and animals to healthier lives through Swedish Fascia Vibes and is among the 14 first in the world to be certified for advanced Fascia treatment of horses.

It was thanks to the family’s horses that she came into contact with Atlasbalans and was able to see how the treatment of fascia (network of connective tissue) could rebuild the entire body by making it more mobile, elastic and relieve tension and pain.

When Maria saw how effective the treatment was. Her curiosity was awakened and she decided to immerse herself in the subject.

–The cats come by themselves and jump up on the treatment table when they understand what is going on, says Maria. She is currently a fully trained horse therapist. also by autumn she will also be certified Swedish Fascia Vibes therapist for treatment of people.

When she treats horses, she notices how they first start yawning and then falls asleep during the treatment. That is achived through the award-winning Atlasbalans M1 treatment tool. The machine treats deep fascia in the body, on both animals and humans. Something that leads to an effective and painless treatment of both lighter and more severe degrees of tension.

– It is so fascinating how the body is one, says Maria Gustavsson.

Among people it is a lot of office people who get help with their back and neck problems. A result of the sedentary work that many today have. Swedish Fascia Vibes can also be used for preventative purposes when the treatment goes under wellness.

From the swedish article ”Eget friskvårdsföretag blev vägen tillbaka efter utbrändhet” Barometern OT, 2019-04-18

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