What does the US Equestrian Team and Rolf Göran Bengtsson have in common?

What does the US Equestrian Team and Rolf Göran Bengtsson have in common? They are pioneers when it comes to giving their horses the best conditions to perform – and has had great results with Swedish Fascia Vibes.

For professional athletes, the small margins matter. So riders do their best to help their horses increase their performance. Rolf Göran Bengtsson, Laura Kraut from Team US and the US team physiotherapist Janus Marquis has gone one step further. By investing in new treatment technology based on the latest anatomical research.

Investing in their horse’s well-being with regular Swedish Fascia Vibes treatments. with the combination of hard work and great craftsmanship, it paid off a year after starting. They both had great success.

Rolf Göran Bengtsson started in the fall of 2015 and won the Global Champions tour for the first time one year later.

The US Equestrian team started in the summer of 2017 and on September 21th 2018 they won their first world equestrian title in 32 years. Beating the Swedish team in the Jump-Off.

“It’s amazing to help professionals to become even better and we are looking forward to following the international growth of Swedish Fascia Vibes” says Hans Bohlin, CEO of Atlasbalans.

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